Name of teaching material

Tablet Microscope  marketed product
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Target Children with physical/motor disabilities.
Children who have difficulty with fine motor skills. Children who have difficulty closing one eye. Children who have difficulty positioning their bodies to peer into a microscope.
(elementary school level)
Disability category physically challenged
Teaching units / Applicable scenes science
Specific purposes ◎To foster an outlook and way of thinking about the continuity of life while studying the birth, development, etc., of living creatures.
◯To use the tablet microscope to introduce children to the mystery and diversity of life.
Considerations for disability characteristics Contains no focus adjustment knob, eliminating the need for users to adjust their bodies to peer into the microscope. Images of specimen are projected onto a television screen, etc., thereby allowing multiple children to view them at the same time.
The tablet's functions can be used to save images and video.
Expected effects and results Children can observe and experience microscopic worlds without needing to operate a microscope. By recording images and video, they can be used for repeat observation and study.
How to use The appearance of specimen will vary greatly depending on the type and manner of lighting; thus, a flat light source (such as an LED light) which is not too strong is needed. Also, because fine adjustment is not possible, magnification will depend on the capability of the camera built into the tablet or smartphone.
Although this tablet microscope allows for magnification and observation of specimen, it omits the structure and operation of a microscope; thus, it will be necessary to set aside time for learning about microscopes themselves.
Related teaching materials and information Terabase Inc. 
Useful for other students
  • Informant Special Needs Education School for the Physically Challenged, University of Tsukuba
  • Keywords Microscope, tablet, natural science, observation
  • Created 2017-11-02 16:19:09
  • Updated 2023-12-26 14:37:23