Name of teaching material

Scooter Board  self-made product
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  • Image of the teaching material

Target Lower grade elementary school children seeking to improve balance
Children and students unable to sit stably
(Elementary school level)
Disability category physically challenged
Teaching units / Applicable scenes physical education activities for independent living
Specific purposes ・Physical education
Lower grade elementary school children: (A) Exercises for Releasing the Body, (i.) Exercise Play for Development of Diverse Movement, (ii.) Exercise Play for Development of Body Balance
Improve children's balance through acceleration, speed and turning exercises
・Activities to promote independence
Allow children with profound and multiple disabilities to enjoy swaying, running and turning exercises which utilize various senses, including sight, sound, touch and muscle kinesthesia, to enable them to feel their relationship with the environment and achieve stable posture.
Considerations for disability characteristics The exercises allow children to utilize all of their body's senses, including kinesthesia (speed, acceleration, turning), sight, hearing and touch.
Expected effects and results Improved balance in the trunk of the body and a stable seated posture
How to use A gymnasium or other large, open space is used. Depending on the ability of and goals for the child, the child will either ride by himself/herself or with the teacher. The children enjoy running in a variety of patterns, such as straight, zig-zag or spinning.
By affixing a cushioning material (bubble wrap) or tiger rope to the floor and running the scooter board over it, the children are able to experience an up and down swaying (vibratory stimulation) at the same time as an auditory stimulation created by the sound.
Children with profound physical/motor disabilities who are unable to sit stably are either laid prone using a triangular cushion or are helped to sit upright by a caregiver standing behind them. Teaching materials of interest to the children can be set up around the scooter board course and the children instructed to keep their heads up. Arrange the scooter board's path of movement and pay attention so that the children do not lose their balance and fall off the board when starting, stopping or turning.
Related teaching materials and information Cushioning material (bubble wrap), tiger rope, triangular cushion
Useful for other students
  • Informant Special Needs Education School for the Physically Challenged, University of Tsukuba
  • Keywords Scooter board, balancing ability, stable seated position, physical education, activities to promote independence, balance
  • Created 2017-11-02 16:37:47
  • Updated 2023-12-26 14:28:50