Name of teaching material

Hydro gel balls for plant cultivation  marketed product
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Target Children in the early developmental stages with sensory perception of touch predominating.
Children who have difficulty in holding objects, such as a drawing brush, by themselves.
Disability category physically challenged
Teaching units / Applicable scenes drawing and crafts, art activities for independent living
Specific purposes ◎ Feel the hydro gel balls (e.g., cold and soft) using the hands.
○ Draw a picture using the hands.
Considerations for disability characteristics • The texture of the hydro gel balls is easy for children to feel.
• Drawing a picture using the hydro gel balls is relatively easy for children.
Expected effects and results When the teacher made children touch the hydro gel balls, they voluntarily moved their hands to grab the balls and enjoyed their texture. The children understood the activity better than drawing a picture with a paintbrush.
How to use • It takes three to four hours for hydro gel balls to absorb water to swell, so they should be soaked in water in advance.
• Adding aroma to the water and the use of hot or cold water according to the season are recommended.
• Paint the hydro gel balls and then have them drop and roll them on drawing paper to express themselves.
• Water must be changed regularly to ensure good hygiene.
Related teaching materials and information • Hydro gel balls for plant cultivation: commercially available. Paint the hydro gel balls and then have them drop and roll them on drawing paper to express themselves.
Useful for other students
  • Informant Special Needs Education School for the Physically Challenged, University of Tsukuba
  • Keywords Cerebral palsy, modeling, sense of touch, sensory play, severely and multiply handicapped
  • Created 2019-08-11 17:48:45
  • Updated 2023-12-08 11:27:52