Name of teaching material

Cushion for assisted recorder playing  improved marketed product
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Target For students who struggle to cover the recorder holes
For students who struggle to move their fingers
Instruction for students with limb deficiencies
Disability category physically challenged
Teaching units / Applicable scenes music teaching and learning tools, auxiliary aids
Specific purposes Mastery of basic recorder skills
Considerations for disability characteristics Helps learners with finger movement difficulties to cover recorder holes
Expected effects and results Learners use the cushion to cover the holes, and thus avoid interrupting the airflow.

Using the cushion, learners no longer have their attention taken up entirely by covering the holes and can concentrate on the musical performance.
How to use The cushion comes with stickers to indicate where the holes are. You can punch the holes using a puncher. The hole size varies; make sure that you punch the holes to the right size.

Check that the cushion is fitted correctly with each use. If the cushion is set incorrectly, the recorder may play the wrong tones or have difficulty producing a sound.
Related teaching materials and information In designing the product, we referred to award-winning exhibits at an exhibition for assistive educational tools by the National Institute of Special Needs Education.
Useful for other students
  • Informant Special Needs Education School for the Physically Challenged, University of Tsukuba
  • Keywords Assisted recorder playing, music, awkward, finger, cerebral palsy, limb spasticity, athetosis, joint contracture, muscle contracture, unable to flex hand or arm
  • Created 2020-11-23 18:01:52
  • Updated 2020-11-23 18:01:52