Name of teaching material

Let’s check the hazard map of Bunkyo Ward
Japanese Page URL
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  • Image of the teaching material

    Image of the teaching material

Target Children and students in elementary, middle and high schools
Disability category visual impairment deaf and hard of hearing mentally challenged physically challenged health impairment speech and language disorder autism emotional disturbance multiple disabilities developmental disabilities other deaf-blind
Teaching units / Applicable scenes social studies
Specific purposes * Children/students know the places and topography vulnerable to wind and flood damage.
* Children/students recognize that Bunkyo Ward has places of high and low elevations and try to find a safer place (by placing a figure doll).
Considerations for disability characteristics * The water is colored blue with food dye to facilitate observing how water flows.
Expected effects and results Become able to find where to evacuate during wind and flood damage by checking a map
How to use * Check where rivers are.
* Add water and blue food dye to a watering pot.
* Pour the water onto the hazard map, and check how it is flooded.
* Use a figure doll to find out how to evacuate.
Related teaching materials and information Permission of using the hazard map (two-dimensional) for creating this teaching material (three-dimensional) has been obtained from the Board of Education of Bunkyo Ward and the map maker.
Useful for other students
  • Informant Toru Iijima
  • Keywords wind and flood damage, hazard map
  • Translator Yuko Makuuchi
  • Created 2023-05-30 21:27:29
  • Updated 2023-05-30 21:27:29