Name of teaching material

Moral Quest, a training tool for teaching internet literacy  self-made product
Japanese Page URL
*The description appears by hovering the cursor over the image.

  • Image of the teaching material

Target ・To help students gain internet literacy via training that is based on scientific results,
・ The effect of the training can be self-checked from the scores (objective indexes) of the proficiency tests before and after the training.
・ The aforementioned items can be completed in a single e-learning.
Disability category deaf and hard of hearing other
Teaching units / Applicable scenes life studies technical arts and home economics information technology special activities activities for independent living instruction for living skills vocational education
Specific purposes ・To help students gain internet literacy via training that is based on scientific results,
・ The effect of the training can be self-checked from the scores (objective indexes) of the proficiency tests before and after the training.
・ The aforementioned items can be completed in a single e-learning.
Considerations for disability characteristics ・ The tool was developed based on “Instructional Method Using the Three Types of Knowledge of Information Morals”, which has been shown effective in teaching morals in short period of time.
・ The proficiency tests before and after training were structured based on the “Internet Literacy Assessment Indicator for Students (ILAS)” prepared by the Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications of Japan.
・ Students can take the proficiency tests and receive training just by tapping (clicking) the buttons on the screen (and need not to enter letters).
・ The tool operates on any device that runs browser, including smartphones, tablets and PC.
Expected effects and results ・ The abilities to cope with digital risks (the score of proficiency test) increase significantly by using this tool.
How to use Run the browser on PC or iPad, and access to the URL shown below.
Tap (click) the buttons on the screen, and do the “Proficiency test before training,” “Training” and “Proficiency test after training” in this order.
Related teaching materials and information The URL of the app (in Japanese):
Useful for other students
  • Informant Author: UCHINO Tomohito School: Special Needs Education School for the Deaf, University of Tsukuba
  • Keywords information technology / information moral
  • Created 2023-12-06 14:40:04
  • Updated 2023-12-06 14:40:04