Name of teaching material

Self-Support Book  self-made product
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    Image of the teaching material

    Image of the teaching material

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Target High school, junior high school and elementary school students
Disability category deaf and hard of hearing mentally challenged physically challenged health impairment speech and language disorder autism emotional disturbance multiple disabilities developmental disabilities other
Teaching units / Applicable scenes life studies special activities activities for independent living instruction for living skills instruction of play life unit learning learning for unit of work other teaching and learning tools, auxiliary aids vocational education
Specific purposes Self-Support Book can be structured to consist of the front page (the name and a photo of the student), pages for basic information (name, nickname, date of birth, etc.), family and contact details and medical information, pages stating his or her strong (intellectual, mental and physical) points and weak (intellectual, mental and physical) points, pages mentioning points and matters that require assistance, and pages containing information useful for the student (such as phrases to murmur when he or she feel depressed, uneasy, etc., phrases to say for seeking assistance, such as “I don’t understand. Would you show me?”, “What should I do next?”, and “Please help me. I’m in trouble”) as well as pages to write what the student likes.

Preparation of the book helps students to foster:
- Knowledge and skills: The student gain knowledge on his or her own characteristics via self-evaluation and evaluation by others.
- Abilities to think, judge and express: Knowledge about his or her own characteristics helps the student select appropriate job. By knowing the assistance he or she needs, the student can demand reasonable accommodation. The student can use what he or she likes as an icebreaker and try to communicate with others.
- Attitude toward learning and humanity: The student displays his or her ability by utilizing his or her strong points. For weak points, the student asks for necessary assistance and fulfills the task.
Considerations for disability characteristics Access service: Illustrations and photos are used as visual information (helping the listener understand that the student is trying to communicate and what the student wants to communicate). The teacher is to provide information that is difficult for the student, such as the theory of visual design.
Expected effects and results - The book helps students utilize their knowledge on their characteristics in choosing job training place, reviewing what they have trained and selecting a job after graduating high school (choosing because they are good at or choosing because they like it and want to try even they are not good at).
- The book can be used as a reference for preparing transition support plan, personal profile, and support goals and means.
- The book helps the student participate in drawing up his or her transition support plan and demand reasonable accommodation by showing the reasons.
How to use Ask students to:
- Write down their own characteristics and the characteristics of their friends on worksheets. Summarize his or her own good points mentioned by friends, including those they have noticed and have not noticed.
- Write down their own weak points they have noticed. Think countermeasures by listening to teacher’s advice. Summarize them in the book. (In the Self Support Book shown above, students are to summarize weak points (as well as strong points) separately for listening, speaking, mental and personality characteristics, physical and medical characteristics, physical fitness and working skills (including fine motor skills).
- Do the same for the other pages.
- Periodically revise/correct/amend the contents (such as before a parent and child meeting and before and after on-the-job training).
- Use the book as reference for connecting to support organization(s) after graduation.
Related teaching materials and information A page on anger management can be added to the book to help them think means to control themselves.
Reference used for preparing the book:
Tanoshiku Manaberu Ikari to Fuan no Management: Kanjou Ranger & Kaiketsu Robo (in Japanese, Fun Way to Learn Anger and Anxiety Management: Emotion Rangers & Solving Robot), ISBN: 978-4907576356, Empowerment Kenkyusho
Useful for other students
  • Informant ISHITOBI Ryoichi Special Needs Education School for the Mentally Challenged, University of Tsukuba
  • Keywords support book
  • Created 2024-05-15 17:19:00
  • Updated 2025-02-05 16:41:38