Name of teaching material

Let’s play the piano with the teacher
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  • Image of the teaching material

  • Image of usage scene

Target Children and students in elementary school, junior high school and high school
Disability category mentally challenged physically challenged health impairment emotional disturbance developmental disabilities
Teaching units / Applicable scenes music activities for independent living instruction of play pre-school education
Specific purposes The activity involves a student(s) playing the piano (by pressing only the black keys) together with a teacher playing the music shown above, which consists of E-flat minor pentatonic scale. It helps students:
- develop abilities of extemporaneous expression
- acquire skills to play a keyboard instrument
- improve hand motor skills
Considerations for disability characteristics - Students can press any of the black keys of a keyboard instrument. Thus, it is easy to understand and try.
- Dissonance never occurs freeing students from feeling they have made a mistake.
Expected effects and results The activity assists children and students:
- Actively challenge playing an instrument without fearing failure

It also helps teachers:
- Understand the intention of a child/student, with whom it is difficult to communicate, by watching changes in his or her performance.
How to use The teacher is to play the sheet music shown above and allow a student(s)/child(ren) freely play a keyboard instrument by pressing only the black keys. The teacher and the student can play the music on the same piano or play separate keyboard instruments.
Related teaching materials and information The music shown above is based on the same principle explained in “Zussie’s Music Lesson: Magical Accompaniment”
Useful for other students Even preschool child can play the music if he or she understands the simple rule that he or she is to press only the black keys. The activity can be performed also in ordinary elementary school and middle schools as well as special needs education schools
  • Informant ARAKI Testuya, Special Needs Education School for the Physically Challenged
  • Keywords piano, impromptu, music, keyboard instrument
  • Created 2024-06-07 13:28:35
  • Updated 2024-06-07 13:28:35