Name of teaching material

1-cm-cube building blocks  marketed product
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  • Image of the teaching material

Target ・ Children with visual impairment
Elementary division
Disability category visual impairment
Teaching units / Applicable scenes arithmetic, mathematics
Specific purposes ・ To have the children feel the actual size of a 1-cm3 block, and to have them understand that volume can be expressed in terms of 1-cm3 blocks.
Considerations for disability characteristics ・ The teaching materials are 1-cm3 dice-shaped building blocks. They are small and can be picked up with the fingertips. Because the building blocks are colored, they can easily be seen by children with low vision. The building blocks are made in wood, resin, or acrylic.
Expected effects and results ・ When studying volume, children will be able to actually feel and see the number of 1-cm3 cubes used to make a particular solid.
How to use ・ To make your own: Cut purchased timber squared to 1 cm3.
・ To purchase: Can be purchased from companies that handle educational teaching materials, such as Gakken Holdings and Uchida Yoko.
Related teaching materials and information A wide range of other cube teaching materials is also available.
Useful for other students
  • Informant Special Needs Education School for the Visually Impaired, University of Tsukuba
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  • Created 2016-11-02 14:34:27
  • Updated 2020-06-08 12:57:10