Name of teaching material
Target |
・Students in elementary, junior high and high schools ・Children and students capable of classifying objects by shape and color ・Children and students capable of counting numbers up to about 10 ・Children and students capable of reading hiragana (phonetic letters) |
Disability category | deaf and hard of hearing mentally challenged physically challenged health impairment speech and language disorder autism emotional disturbance multiple disabilities developmental disabilities other |
Teaching units / Applicable scenes | Japanese arithmetic, mathematics science life studies activities for independent living other pre-school education teaching and learning tools, auxiliary aids |
Specific purposes | By comparing two objects, students become able to classify them by size, number, etc. |
Considerations for disability characteristics |
・Objects that are familiar to or targets of interest of individual students are used. ・Objects that can be touched are also prepared so that students enjoy learning. ・Words such as “big”, “small”, “long” “short”, “much” and “little” are posted on the wall as clues for students to classify the objects. |
Expected effects and results |
The activity is expected to help students: ・Focus at two objects in their daily life and compare them ・Compare diverse objects (height, dimensions, amount, etc.) |
How to use |
・Show two actual objects to students. Classify them, and put each at the correct category place. ・Ask students to observe and touch the objects and classify them. |
Related teaching materials and information | |
Useful for other students |