Name of teaching material

Let’s open the curtain! What is it doing?  self-made product
Japanese Page URL
*The description appears by hovering the cursor over the image.

  • Image of the teaching material

    Image of the teaching material

  • Image of usage scene

Target ・Children who can express their request using two or three words, such as “Ms. X, play outside.”
・Children having difficulty participating in group activities by responding to others’ words and movements
・Children who have correct understanding of only few words
Disability category mentally challenged autism
Teaching units / Applicable scenes Japanese instruction for living skills
Specific purposes This teaching material consists of a stage with curtain in the front, word cards and a board on which the cards can be sticked.
Children are to:
・Open or close the curtain as instructed by the teacher
・Form a sentence by combining a noun and a verb, such as “B sleeps”, “C cries” and “D eats”
・Read hiragana and katakana letters (phonetic letters)
・Understand the beginning and end of the task
Considerations for disability characteristics ・Favorite characters of each child are used.
・The pages are numbered so that children know how many tasks are to be done.
Expected effects and results ・In our school, children became able to open the curtain when the teacher said, “Open”, and to close the curtain when they were told “Bye-bye”.
・Children became able to verbally express what each picture illustrates, such as “Cry” and “Weep”.
・Children became able to read word cards written in hiragana, choose word cards and attach them on sentence bars, and say, “XX cries”.
How to use Ask the child to:
・Open the curtain when you say “Open”.
・Answer to your simple questions such as “Who is this?” and “What is she doing?”
・Form a sentence by choosing word cards and attaching them on a sentence bar.
・Read the short sentence together with the teacher by also seeing the picture.
・Close the curtain when you say “Bye-bye”.
Related teaching materials and information
Useful for other students
  • Informant Special Needs Education School for Children with Autism, University of Tsukuba
  • Keywords autism, Japanese, sentence formation
  • Created 2025-02-05 16:31:44
  • Updated 2025-02-05 16:31:44