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Connecting cubes and Graphing paper  marketed product
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Target Any students. Students who need concrete material to grasp abstract concepts. Students who needs to learn the area of a triangle and unable to grasp the concept. Students who is unaware of the formula of a triangle.
Students who understand simple direction but hard to capture big concepts.
Disability category mentally challenged
Teaching units / Applicable scenes arithmetic, mathematics
Specific purposes The purpose of using the material was to provide hands on material for students to understand area of triangle using the area of rectangle. Using concrete material help student visualize the meaning of area and then connect it to the area of a triangle.
Considerations for disability characteristics *
Expected effects and results Students will be able to conceptualize that the area of a triangle as half of the area of a rectangle. Students will be able to derive on the formula of a triangle.
How to use Have students form area of a rectangle of different sizes. Then, ask them to give you a new shape that is not square or rectangle. Student will then figure out that if the blocks were cut diagonally, triangle is formed. Then have students transfer the idea of the area of the block they formed onto a graphing paper. Have them cut the graph out into the new shapes. Then ask if the area is still the same. Student will realize that the area was cut into two or half. Then have them formulate the area of the triangle in their own words.
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  • Informant Vanessa Mobel(Republic of Palau)
  • Keywords Formula of Triangle,height
  • Created 2016-12-20 19:29:53
  • Updated 2024-01-12 10:24:39