Name of teaching material

A color-coded timetable clock  self-made product
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  • Teaching material

    Image of the teaching material

Target Children in the elementary division who have trouble with the notion of time
Disability category mentally challenged physically challenged multiple disabilities
Teaching units / Applicable scenes other
Specific purposes To enable children to:
◯ read the times of activities such as face wiping, morning assembly, and physical exercise performed in life environment studies (which involves various subjects), and to have a notion of time
◯ read the time on a clock and have an understanding of the concept of time
Considerations for disability characteristics • The long hand of the clock is colored.
• Different colors are assigned to each time zone.
• Photos are presented showing the activities that are to be done in each time zone.
Expected effects and results • Children will be able to work on activities performed in the various subjects of life environment studies with an understanding of the concept of time.
How to use Considerations for making a timetable clock:
• Color the long hand to make it easier for the children to recognize.
• To enable the children to understand the time zone for each activity, color code each time zone.
• Draw black lines to emphasize the start and end points of each time zone.
How to use:
• Always have the clock displayed in the classroom.
Related teaching materials and information A simple-structured clock with a white face and easy-to-see numbers
Useful for other students
  • Informant Special Needs Education School for the Physically Challenged, University of Tsukuba
  • Keywords Alternative curriculum for students with intellectual disability, clock, elementary division, life environment studies, music play, time
  • Created 2017-03-02 14:16:15
  • Updated 2023-12-08 18:57:36