Name of teaching material

Paper Puppet Theater "The Flowers Laughed"  self-made product
Japanese Page URL
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  • Image of the teaching material

    Image of the teaching material

Target Infants and toddlers
Disability category deaf and hard of hearing
Teaching units / Applicable scenes instruction of play
Specific purposes ◎Participate in fun activities that thoroughly incorporate the five senses.
○Freely express a variety of feelings through voice, facial expression, gestures, etc.
○Show interest in communication from adults and enjoyably cultivate mutual understanding.
○Through rhythmical body expressions, share enjoyment with mothers and friends.
Considerations for disability characteristics ・Prepare real flowers that can be used to convey meaning via smell, color, seasonal impression, etc.
・Prepare visually easy-to-understand and attractive teaching materials (paper puppet theater) that will provoke children's interest and attention.
・Stir the children's imagination while utilizing a wealth of expressions and interesting movements to convey meaning.
・Through the connection created, stir the children's emotions and get them to call out and express themselves cheerfully and vocally.
・Make big movements and joyful expressions while singing along with the music.
Expected effects and results ・Use of all five senses was promoted, and the children themselves become excited and animated upon smelling the laundry detergent and called out (as best they could) "Oh! Smells nice!"
・Through the use of a wealth of expressions and interesting movement, meaning was conveyed to the children ("nice smell," "laughing flowers," etc.)
・Through the creation of a strong connection, the children's emotions were stirred and they called out cheerfully and vocally.
・Through abundant interactions, the children experienced the joy of interacting with teachers, mothers and friends.
・The cultivation of robust emotion and emotional exchange in the children motivated them engage in free expression using their voice, facial expressions, gestures, etc.
・Through the use of body movement and interaction, the children experienced the joy of communication and showed excitement at repeating it.
How to use ・Display a vase containing fresh flowers, and use interesting movements and expressions to convey the message of "nice smell."
・Show the flower paper puppet theater, and when switching from a normal face to a laughing face, have the person(s) in charge handle this engagingly and with rich expression.
・Make big movements and joyful expressions while singing along with the music.
Related teaching materials and information  
Useful for other students
  • Informant Special Needs Education School for the Deaf, University of Tsukuba
  • Keywords Using five senses, cultivating emotion, conveying meaning, deep connection
  • Created 2017-11-02 17:09:25
  • Updated 2020-06-08 18:15:55