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Smile Notes software  marketed product
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Target Students who can perform the basic operations of a tablet computer, such as click and tap.
Students in the High School Division (15 - 17 years old)
Disability category deaf and hard of hearing mentally challenged physically challenged health impairment speech and language disorder autism emotional disturbance developmental disabilities
Teaching units / Applicable scenes Japanese social studies arithmetic, mathematics science life studies music drawing and crafts, art technical arts and home economics physical education foreign languages moral education information technology special activities activities for independent living instruction for living skills instruction of play life unit learning learning for unit of work other pre-school education teaching and learning tools, auxiliary aids
Specific purposes Students will be able to make a presentation in class and at school events using slides they create without help.
Considerations for disability characteristics The simple operability of Smile Notes enables first-time users to use it intuitively. Handwriting, text, sound, pictures, and videos can be input. Sound can be added not only to slides, but also to text and pictures; so even students who are not good at speaking in front of a large crowd and who have difficulty in recognizing things only with letters and pictures can use Smile Notes to their advantage.
Expected effects and results Students were able to make a presentation while operating their manuscripts by themselves. For investigative learning and review, students took pictures, input sounds, and wrote text by themselves, and quickly completed the manuscript to make a presentation. They were able to check how they performed using pictures and videos, which enabled them to inspect their activities. This method can also be applied to a travel diary.
How to use How to use Smile Notes for review.
(1) Shoot pictures (or videos) during student activities.
(2) Look at the pictures or watch videos, then enter text and record speech about what they were doing and the aim of the activity.
(3) Students make a presentation on their review while projecting slides and operating Smile Notes by themselves.
Related teaching materials and information UNI-TY Inc.
Useful for other students
  • Informant Special Needs Education School for the Mentally Challenged, University of Tsukuba
  • Keywords ICT, Presentation application
  • Created 2019-08-27 15:39:34
  • Updated 2020-06-08 18:37:45