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Talking Game and other communication activities  Other
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Target Children/students who have: difficulties listening until the end of the conversation, who are too verbose, or who struggle to express themselves.
Disability category mentally challenged
Teaching units / Applicable scenes life studies activities for independent living
Specific purposes -The learners will learn how to express their feelings.
-The learners will learn to listen attentively.
Considerations for disability characteristics -The game has three rules designed to foster listening skills:
While a player is answering the question on the card, other players must not…
1. interject,
2. laugh at or make fun of the player, or
3. tell them to hurry up.
- Players who cannot or do not want to answer the question on their card may skip the question by presenting a “pass” card.
Expected effects and results - The game is for two to six players.

1. The deck is shuffled and placed in the middle, faced down.
2. The players play rock-paper-scissors to decide who goes first.
3. The winner of the rock-paper-scissors draws the first card from the deck, reads out the question printed on it, and then answers the question.
4. The other players listen silently until the person has finished answering. It is ok to nod.
5. Players who do not want to answer the question on their card may skip the question by presenting a “pass” card.
6. Players must refrain from questioning or commenting on a player’s answer while the game is in progress.
How to use “Kiite / Hanashite Hanashite / Kiite Talking Game” (The listen and speak then speak and listen talking game) By Tobiraco Incorporated.
Design: Hiroshi Anbe, Senior Teacher for the School for the Mentally Challenged at Otsuka, University of Tsukuba
Related teaching materials and information
Useful for other students
  • Informant Special Needs Education School for the Mentally Challenged, University of Tsukuba
  • Keywords Listening, self-disclosure, Talking Game
  • Created 2020-11-20 18:25:57
  • Updated 2020-11-20 18:25:57