Name of teaching material

Detailed anatomical liver models (Teaching materials for Anatomy)  self-made product
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    Image of the teaching material

    Image of the teaching material

    Image of the teaching material

    Image of the teaching material

Target Students with visual impairment (studying acupuncture/moxibustionists or physiotherapists)
Students interested in the structure of the body such as anatomy
Physiological education for students with visual impairment
Disability category visual impairment
Teaching units / Applicable scenes acupuncture, moxibustion, manual therapy
Specific purposes Through observation, the learners will understand the microstructure of each segment of a hepatic lobule, the smallest division of a liver.
The learners will learn the names of the hepatic arteries, portal veins, and bile ducts, as well as the directions of the blood and biliary flows.
Considerations for disability characteristics Printed textbooks represent the structure of the liver in diagrams. Many of these diagrams contain a plethora of detailed information, which can overwhelm learners. To further complicate matters, many of the liver components have similar names, making it easy to confuse them with each other.
This learning kit consists of lobule modules that give learners a general understanding of the shape of a lobule, the smallest division of a liver (img005). It also consists of blow-up lobule models that give learners an understanding of the lobule’s segments. After first explaining that a hepatic lobule has six segments like a hexagonal prism (img005), the instructor distributes the models to the learners. The learners can corroborate the models as the instructor explains the lobule’s segments. During this process, the instructor observes which parts of the model the learners are touching to confirm that they have understood.
The hepatic arteries, portal veins, and bile ducts are indicated by different colors, textures, and thickness, making these items easy to differentiate for any learner, whether partially sighted or completely blind.
Expected effects and results The instructor can distribute some segment models earlier than others to scaffold the learning process.
Using the models, the learners learn the names of the hepatic arteries, portal veins, and bile ducts, as well as the directions of the blood and biliary flows.
How to use 1. The instructor distributes lobule models (img005), and the learners observe them.
2. The instructor outlines the shape of a hepatic lobule and explains that it is the smallest division of a liver. He/she then describes the layout of the three types of hepatic duct (hepatic arteries, portal veins, bile ducts) in each of the six segments of the hexagonal prism.
3. The instructor takes out blow-up models, explaining that these models are enlarged versions of the models they previously observed. Once the learners have understood this, the instructor divides the model into six pieces and distributes them to each learner.
4. The instructor outlines the microstructure of each lobule segment and has the learner observe the kit.
Related teaching materials and information
Useful for other students
  • Informant Special Needs Education School for the Visually Impaired, University of Tsukuba
  • Keywords Physiotherapy, anatomy, liver, hepatic lobule
  • Created 2020-11-23 15:47:57
  • Updated 2020-11-23 15:47:57