Name of teaching material

Enhancement to Koe-no-Shiori’s set (sound pen)  improved marketed product
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  • Image of the teaching material

  • Enhancement to Koe-no-Shiori’s set (sound pen)

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Target The product is intended for secondary students who have difficulty initiating conversation. The students often worry whether they will cope with certain social scenarios. The students can ease his/her anxieties by repeatedly checking an image (a photo or illustration) or listening to an audio recording that describes the nature of the activity or social encounter.
Disability category mentally challenged
Teaching units / Applicable scenes life studies special activities teaching and learning tools, auxiliary aids
Specific purposes To help the student feel more confident about going to a new place or participating in new extracurricular activities, we provide images outlining the activity (including the itinerary and nature of the activity). We also provide sound pens with stickers that link to the recorded sounds in the pen.
Considerations for disability characteristics The addition of audio information to the visual information enables the user to clarify the details of the activity both visually and aurally.
Expected effects and results When the student feels anxious, he/she can look at the image or play the audio recording (or the student’s instructor could point to the image or play the recording) and feel at ease.
How to use Download “Tabi’s Mile” (a bookmark kit) from Posshun’s “bo-ya” website. The material is created quickly using an Excel macro.

Generate bookmarks using Tabi’s Mile. Make sure to use plenty of images.

Record the audio data, assigning it to a coded sticker.

Press the pen onto the sticker to play the recording.
Related teaching materials and information Posshun’s “bo-ya” website (

Tabi’s Mile

G-Talk sound pen (Gridmark Inc.)

Coded stickers
Useful for other students
  • Informant Special Needs Education School for the Mentally Challenged, University of Tsukuba
  • Keywords Sound pen, bookmark, perspectives
  • Created 2020-11-23 17:32:34
  • Updated 2020-11-23 17:32:34