Name of teaching material

Kurun-pass  marketed product
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Target Students who struggle to rotate their wrists, students who struggle to pinch and twist things, students with severe disabilities
Disability category mentally challenged physically challenged multiple disabilities
Teaching units / Applicable scenes arithmetic, mathematics life studies
Specific purposes Users who would otherwise struggle to pinch and turn a compass can use the compass to draw a circle accurately.
Considerations for disability characteristics The product eliminates the need to coordinate motions of the index finger and thumb.
The user can use the compass as long as they are able to hold the cap.
Using thick paper will help keep the needle wedged firmly in place.
Expected effects and results The Kurun-cap simplifies the process of drawing a circle accurately for learners who struggle to pinch and turn a compass.

The pencil part can be turned by rotating the wrist.
How to use Kurun-cap is placed over the top of the compass. Holding the Kurun-cap, the user moves his or her arm as if he or she is drawing a large circle in the air. The compass will rotate and make a neat circle.
Related teaching materials and information Sonic Incorporated
Useful for other students
  • Informant Special Needs Education School for the Physically Challenged, University of Tsukuba
  • Keywords severe disability, play instruction, life studies, practical learning
  • Created 2020-11-23 18:11:50
  • Updated 2020-11-23 18:11:50