Name of teaching material

Color-coded court for net sports  self-made product
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Target Color-coded court for net sports
Senior and High School students
Students with impaired visuospatial ability (difficulty gauging distance visually)
Disability category visual impairment deaf and hard of hearing mentally challenged physically challenged health impairment speech and language disorder autism emotional disturbance multiple disabilities developmental disabilities other
Teaching units / Applicable scenes physical education
Specific purposes In this formulation, learners are better able to find a space to return the shot and then return to their defensive or offensive positions.
Considerations for disability characteristics Players play with a balloon, which stays in the air longer than a ball. This gives players more time to move or find an opening on their opponent’s side of the court.

If players struggle to find an attack opportunity during a rally, they can look for an opportunity during a serve.
Expected effects and results On a conventional court, players with impaired visuospatial abilities may struggle to identify an opening on their opponent’s side or ascertain their own position on the court. However, with color-coded sections, players can quickly understand whether they or their opponents are in fixed positions.
How to use The product can be used for pre-game training. Players can use these training sessions to learn how to monitor the court situation while manipulating the ball, and to execute an attack toward the targeted area. The product can also be used to help players ascertain the characteristics of their own and opponent teams, and to work out strategies accordingly.
The blue sheets are inexpensive and robust and create a clear contrast with the gym floor. As such, they can be used repeatedly to mark positions or zones (such as a batter’s box in baseball or a relay’s take-over zone where you pass the baton).
Related teaching materials and information
Useful for other students
  • Informant Special Needs Education School for the Physically Challenged, University of Tsukuba
  • Keywords Net sports, court, impaired visuospatial ability
  • Created 2020-11-23 18:34:42
  • Updated 2020-11-23 18:34:42