Name of teaching material

Sliding block task  self-made product
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    Image of the teaching material

    Image of the teaching material

Target The children do not verbalize. During interactions, they rarely make eye contact.
The children struggle to conduct a task while paying attention to one’s hands. Thus, they are unable to complete a task while focusing on one’s hands.
They leave the task midway and go to the play area.
They can manipulate a toy with their hands, but they soon abandon it.
Disability category mentally challenged autism
Teaching units / Applicable scenes activities for independent living
Specific purposes Sustain attention to the task at hand
Manipulate the toy
Continue to engage in the task to completion
Considerations for disability characteristics The children struggled to observe or fix their gazes upon something. Accordingly, we used brightly colored blocks to make it easier for the child to fix their gazes.
Expected effects and results The children struggled to comprehend the start and end of the task. Accordingly, we added a goal space to the puzzle so that the child gains a sense of accomplishment upon completing the task.
How to use The child slides the block into the goal space.
The instructor sits in front of the child to check that his/her gaze is directed toward the puzzle.
If the child struggles, the instructor gives verbal instructions and/or indicates by pointing.
When the child slides the block into the goal space, the instructor praises the child so that the child understands he/she completed the task.
Related teaching materials and information
Useful for other students
  • Informant Special Needs Education School for Children with Autism, University of Tsukuba
  • Keywords Autism, language, eye-hand coordination
  • Created 2020-11-23 19:46:31
  • Updated 2020-11-23 19:46:31