Name of teaching material

Transforming cubes  self-made product
Japanese Page URL
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  • Image of the teaching material

  • Image of usage scene

    Image of usage scene

    Image of usage scene

    Image of usage scene

    Image of usage scene

    Image of usage scene

    Image of usage scene

Target Children and students in elementary, middle and high schools
Children and students showing weakness in space perception
Children and students having difficulties in hand manipulation
Disability category visual impairment deaf and hard of hearing mentally challenged physically challenged speech and language disorder autism emotional disturbance multiple disabilities developmental disabilities other
Teaching units / Applicable scenes arithmetic, mathematics
Specific purposes Arithmetic: Cultivate the ability to think by pupils actually manipulating the cubes when they learn counting, comparing lengths, weighing, addition, subtraction, multiplication and volume calculation.
Mathematics: Cultivate the ability to think by students actually manipulating the cubes when they learn loci.
Considerations for disability characteristics Children and students with poor space perception have difficulties picturing a three-dimensional figure from a diagram printed on paper. Actual manipulation of the cubes facilitate them to examine the positional relation between figures, their depths, etc.
Expected effects and results * The cubes can be assembled into any form so as to suit the purpose of learning and thus help building an image and understanding the concept.
* Pupils and students with poor space perception can understand structure.
* The cubes are light and easy to handle even for children and students having difficulties in hand manipulation (such as weak power of the hands).
* Button magnets hold the cubes stably together even piled up and free children and students with ADS from stress.
* By using a book stand to which magnets stick, the cubes can be positioned where children and students are easy to see during learning regardless of their posture.
* By sticking dot stickers and/or scales, the cubes can be used to learn loci and length.
How to use Materials:
Cubes (5cm) of styrene foam, button magnets (smallest), adhesive tape (In Japan, all can be purchased at 100-yen store.)
How to prepare:
1) Squeeze a button magnet to the center of each and every side of the styrene foam cubes with hand. Minimize the level difference between the magnet and the surface of the cube.
2) Apply adhesive tape and secure that the magnets do not protrude from the surface or fall off.
* Button magnets are small. Pay attention that users never swallow it by accident.
Related teaching materials and information
Useful for other students
  • Informant The cubes can be used not only in special needs schools but also in general elementary and middle schools.
  • Keywords arithmetic, math, figure, volume, weight, manipulation, space perception, tactile recognition, visual perception
  • Translator Yuko Makuuchi
  • Created 2023-03-30 15:31:59
  • Updated 2023-04-02 18:05:19