Name of teaching material

A stick and a string for stringing plastic bottle beads  self-made product
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  • How to make a plastic bottle beads

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    How to use a plastic bottle beads

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Target ・ Children who are both visual impairment and intellectual disability
・ Children who can grasp the image of the word “through” but cannot understand the entire process of stringing a string through something as a series of continuous movements
Elementary division
Disability category visual impairment
Teaching units / Applicable scenes activities for independent living
Specific purposes ・ To improve the coordination of both hands and the motor skills of the fingers
Considerations for disability characteristics ・ The hole in the plastic bottle bead is large enough to insert a finger and touch and feel the insides of the hole.
・ Because the hole in a plastic bottle spreads out to form the neck of the bottle, the hole used for stringing the plastic bottle bead can be easily found.
・ Because the bead is lighter than a large wooden bead, it does not become heavy, even when many beads are strung together.
Expected effects and results ・Children who became able to string these plastic bottle beads soon became able to smoothly string ordinary beads. (Because ordinary beads come in a variety of shapes and the difficulty in locating their holes varies, the children were first sufficiently familiarized with large and small cylinder beads and were then moved on to round and cubic beads.)
How to use ・ The cut surface of the plastic bottle needs to be smoothed over with a file or with gentle heating so that the children will not hurt themselves while handling the bead.
・ For easy handling, the stick that is to be used to push the string through the hole should be a little longer than the height of the plastic bottle bead.
・ Make sure the children take their time to touch and examine the plastic bottle beads alone before they begin to put the stick through the hole.
・ The hole in the bead will be easier to find when the bead is held by the neck.
・ Start by putting the stick through the hole in a single plastic bottle bead. When the children get better at this, move on to the stringing of many beads.
・ When stringing the plastic bottle beads, attach a bell to the string where the beads need to stop so that the children will know from the sound of the bell that the beads have reached the intended point on the string.
Related teaching materials and information Before beginning this activity, have the children create a firm image of the word “through” by rolling a ball through a tunnel created by using the body of a plastic bottle.
Useful for other students
  • Informant Special Needs Education School for the Visually Impaired, University of Tsukuba
  • Keywords *
  • Created 2016-11-02 14:21:01
  • Updated 2020-06-08 12:46:54