Name of teaching material

Globe splittable along lines of longitude  self-made product
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    Image of the teaching material

Target Middle school students
Disability category physically challenged
Teaching units / Applicable scenes social studies
Specific purposes To facilitate students understand that lines connecting the North and South Poles are lines of longitude
Considerations for disability characteristics To facilitate students understand the directions of the lines of longitude and latitude:
A three-dimensional globe is used instead of a two-dimensional map because students tend to confuse longitude with latitude on a flat map.
Students can split the globe along lines of longitude so that they can feel how the lines are set and deepen their understanding.
Splitting the globe along lines of longitude may allow students connect with their experiences, such as “it resembles cutting an apple into wedges.”
Expected effects and results Students learn lines of longitude and latitude without confusing them, which is basic knowledge for subsequent learning of latitude and difference in clock time.
Students can handle the globe with their own hands, which facilitates them deepen understanding and have the knowledge anchored.
How to use First, use an ordinary globe for students to study it. Then, use the globe that can be split so that students confirm that lines of longitude connect the North and South Poles.
The globe was made using self-adhesive paper and a polystyrene ball.
Related teaching materials and information The globe data was obtained from the website of TANI Kenji’s Laboratory, Human Geography, Faculty of Education, Saitama University.
Useful for other students The globe is also useful for students in middle school and elementary school who need or need not special needs education.
  • Informant Kimura Mikako
  • Keywords globe, geography, longitude, social studies, world
  • Translator Yuko Makuuchi
  • Created 2023-05-30 20:23:16
  • Updated 2023-12-07 12:59:17