Name of teaching material

Class Schedule Boxes
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  • Image of the teaching material

Target Children who have not learned letters yet and do not have a perspective of class schedule
Disability category visual impairment mentally challenged multiple disabilities developmental disabilities other deaf-blind
Teaching units / Applicable scenes activities for independent living
Specific purposes * Checking today’s class schedule and prospecting school life of the day
* Reviewing today’s school life and activities
Considerations for disability characteristics * Object cues, boxes and convex stickers are used to enable children to check class schedule by touching.
* The stickers are attached not on the outer surface of the boxes but on the inner surface to facilitate children touch and check.
Expected effects and results * Children understand today’s class schedule and have a perspective.
* It leads to understanding of period, such as “the first period” and “fourth period”.
* The activity of checking today’s class schedule gives communication opportunities.
How to use * During the morning meeting, children touch object cues and place them in the boxes that represent periods.
* Secure sufficient time for communication when children check the class schedule.
* Before and after each period, children touch the object cue of the period and check what class it is/was. Children then place the cue into the “finish” box.
Related teaching materials and information
Useful for other students Children having difficulty in maintaining psychological stability due to lack of perspective
Children having difficulty understanding information with words and letters
  • Informant Nozomi Sasaki
  • Keywords visual impairment, deaf-blindness, perspective, class schedule, object cue
  • Translator Yuko Makuuchi
  • Created 2023-05-30 21:05:30
  • Updated 2023-05-30 21:05:30