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Bottle cap bag  self-made product
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  • How to make a bottle cap bag

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    How to use a bottle cap bag

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Target Children with visual impairment who have almost no experience throwing a ball
Elementary division
Disability category visual impairment
Teaching units / Applicable scenes physical education
Specific purposes ◎ To enable children to do a throwing exercise and learn how to throw (to be used in the initial stage, the error-correction stage, and the far-away-throwing stage)
○ Children can balance on, or juggle with, various parts of the body and experience various movements.
Considerations for disability characteristics The bag makes a sound when it is dropped or hits something. It will not roll away. It is easy to handle because it has adequate weight. It can easily be put on top of other things.
Expected effects and results ◎ The child him/herself will be able to know from the sound where the bag has fallen, or what it has hit. The bag can be adjusted so that it becomes much easier to throw upward or to use for practicing aiming at an object in 3D space, such as a wall or a block. Also, because the bag does not roll away when thrown, the children can practice with it easily many times. Moreover, because of its adequate weight, it can easily be released from the hand as the arm is swung; therefore, a beginner can throw the bag without being conscious of his/her grip.
○ Children can balance on, or balance on and juggle with, various parts of the body. This can help them to create an image of each body part and nurtures the ability to construct space.
How to use ・To make your own: Put 35 plastic bottle caps in a 20- x 15-cm cloth bag. (Although the number of caps that need to be put inside the bag and the material and size of the bag can be changed, this seems to be the easiest to use size and weight according to our firsthand experience.)
・To purchase: The bottle cap bag is an exercise tool developed in 1994 by Professor Yoshinori Kaneko (Doctor of Philosophy in Health Science) of Kagawa Nutrition University with the aim of recycling plastic bottle caps. Under a health promotion agreement between the city of Sakado and Kagawa Nutrition University, Yumekita Kobo, a community activity support center for the mentally disabled, is creating and selling the bags.
Related teaching materials and information A ball with a bell inside
Useful for other students
  • Informant Special Needs Education School for the Visually Impaired, University of Tsukuba
  • Keywords Plastic bottle caps
  • Created 2016-11-11 11:45:50
  • Updated 2020-06-08 13:05:54