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Fill-in-the-blank worksheets for teaching words  self-made product
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Target Children in the first semester of the first year of elementary school
Disability category deaf and hard of hearing speech and language disorder other
Teaching units / Applicable scenes Japanese activities for independent living
Specific purposes Fill-in-the-blank homework worksheets are prepared and handed out to:
・ Encourage children and their family talk about what was discussed at school also at home and deepen understanding,
・ Help children anchoring the words learnt at school on the day,
・ Lead children be aware of the number* and order of syllables that constitute a word,
・ Improve children’s abilities to think about the links with preceding and following words in the sentences and guess the correct word by reading the preceding and following words, and
・ Bridge to a new lesson of a school subject.
Considerations for disability characteristics ・ We request the guardians of the children to help them deepen and expand the contents of the worksheets at home in a manner that suits individual children.
・ Not the entire word but only some of the letters of the word are left blank. The letter that expresses the first sound of the word is printed so that children can use it as a clue.
・ The words from which some letters are left blank are words that are of high necessity for the target children and that are easy to remember. Sentences are written short by considering the reading ability of the children.
・ Links to words used in school subjects, such as first language and arithmetic, are also considered in choosing the words.
Expected effects and results ・ The worksheets increase children’s awareness of the number*1 and order of syllables that constitute a word, enhance the ability to guess the correct word from the preceding and following words and sentences, improve the ability to write correctly and gain knowledge deemed necessary in school subjects.
How to use Fill-in-the-blank homework worksheets are prepared and handed out for children to fill the blanks at home. The contents are a brief summary of what was discussed or mentioned during the morning class meeting of the day, such as the schedule of the day, events, notes related to the season, and instructions that are judged necessary. Of the matters discussed during the meeting, words that should be better known by children of that age are selected; and some of their letters are left blank and expressed as open circles*2. Each circle corresponds to one hiragana*1 letter or number. We, the teachers, have asked the guardians of the children not only to encourage the children to fill the blanks but also to help them deepen and expand what discussed at school using the worksheets as a clue and in a manner that suits individual children. The words are carefully selected so that the words are related to the learning contents of near future and thus understanding of the words would help the children smoothly learn the lessons. For example, in the photo shown above, the words “みぎ (right)” and “ひだり (left)” are related to a unit of arithmetic, and “ありがとうございます (thank you)” and “あいさつ (greet)” are related to a unit of Japanese (first language).
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  • Informant Author: TENJINBAYASHI Yoshihiro  School:Elementary Department of Special Needs Education School for the Deaf, University of Tsukuba
  • Keywords Japanese languages speaking wraiting
  • Created 2023-12-06 17:23:12
  • Updated 2024-04-03 11:59:25