294 results found. Showing page 20 of 30.
Name of teaching material
Image of the teaching material
Disability category
Teaching units / Applicable scenes
Transforming cubes |
Children and students in elementary, middle and high schools Children and students showing weakness in space perception Children and students having difficulties in hand manipulation |
visual impairment, deaf and hard of hearing, mentally challenged, physically challenged, speech and language disorder, autism, emotional disturbance, multiple disabilities, developmental disabilities, other |
arithmetic, mathematics | - | - | |
Universal design protractor | ユニバーサル分度器 |
Elementary school children with low vision, students in the physical therapy course with low vision |
visual impairment, mentally challenged, autism, emotional disturbance, multiple disabilities, developmental disabilities, other |
arithmetic, mathematics, activities for independent living, acupuncture, moxibustion, manual therapy |
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Magnetic perpetual calendar Today’s month, date, day of the week, weather...? | つけかえできるマグネットカレンダー 今日は何月・何日・何曜日・天気は…? |
Children in kindergarten and elementary school Children having difficulties understanding calendar |
visual impairment, mentally challenged, multiple disabilities |
special activities, activities for independent living, instruction for living skills, pre-school education |
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Bowling by pulling | ひっぱりボウリング |
Children and students in elementary, middle and high schools Children and students learning one-to-one correspondence and number counting Children and students performing group activities under fixed rules, such as competing and cheering each other Children and students learning noticing the mechanisms and movements of familiar object (elastic band) Children and students having difficulties moving hands and fingers and controlling the strength, such as grasping and pulling |
mentally challenged, physically challenged, health impairment, autism, emotional disturbance, multiple disabilities, developmental disabilities, deaf-blind |
arithmetic, mathematics, life studies, special activities, activities for independent living, life unit learning |
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One meter from the ground |
Children in wheelchairs | physically challenged |
arithmetic, mathematics, life studies, special activities, instruction of play, life unit learning |
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Anatomical model of the visual pathway (anatomical/ physiological learning kit) | 視覚の伝導路(解剖・生理学教材) |
Students with visual impairment (studying acupuncture/moxibustionists or physiotherapists) Students interested in the structure of the body such as anatomy and physiology Physiology and science education for students with visual impairment |
visual impairment |
science, acupuncture, moxibustion, manual therapy |
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Fun with Numbers! (Number Panel) |
・Kindergarten level, older students ・Young children who like number panel quiz games, toy cars and who are interested in numbers. Young children who are not speaking, but who will try to indicate numbers with their fingers or vocalize them. |
mentally challenged, autism |
activities for independent living, instruction of play, pre-school education |
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A black bookrest | 黒い書見台 |
Infants and younger and older children who read and right on a desk Kindergarten, elementary, lower secondary, and upper secondary divisions |
visual impairment | teaching and learning tools, auxiliary aids | - | - |
Signage made simple for learners with intellectual disability/display/design/self-made | 知的障害児者のわかりやすさに着目したサイン(表示)デザイン |
Preschool, primary, or secondary students with intellectual disability Education for students with intellectual disability |
mentally challenged |
life studies, activities for independent living, life unit learning, teaching and learning tools, auxiliary aids |
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Watching the ball to the beat | ボールを見て、トーン、トーン |
The children like playing with a ball (e.g. throwing the ball in the air or rolling it). They struggle with gazing and manipulating objects they hold in their hands and maintaining their gazes on the presented objects. The children learned to lay out objects in response to the instructor’s rhythmical counting one at a time. |
mentally challenged, autism |
arithmetic, mathematics, activities for independent living |
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