294 results found. Showing page 21 of 30.
Name of teaching material
Image of the teaching material
Disability category
Teaching units / Applicable scenes
Sliding block task | 型はめ付きスライディングブロック |
The children do not verbalize. During interactions, they rarely make eye contact. The children struggle to conduct a task while paying attention to one’s hands. Thus, they are unable to complete a task while focusing on one’s hands. They leave the task midway and go to the play area. They can manipulate a toy with their hands, but they soon abandon it. |
mentally challenged, autism |
activities for independent living | - | - |
Eye test training tools | 視力検査練習グッズ |
Many children with ASD dislike eye tests because they are unsure of the procedure and fear they will be unable to cope. It is hard for such children to undergo a test calmly. The children struggle to focus their attention on something they are not interested in. Although the children may be fearful of a new experience or unfamiliar setting, they will be better able to cope if it is combined with something that interests them, or if it is integrated into a pleasant interaction with the instructor. |
mentally challenged, autism |
physical education, other |
- | - |
Striding boxes | またぎ箱 |
The learners traversed staircases leading with their dominant leg at each step. When encouraged to lead with their weaker leg, the learners shied away from doing so. The learners exhibited lateral imbalance when walking, maintaining posture, and traversing a staircase. The learners struggled with (and took time to engage in) activities involving non-flat surfaces. |
mentally challenged, autism |
physical education | movie: 1 | - |
Irregular staircase | 段違い階段 |
Initially, the instructor helped the learner traverse the stairs. After some successful attempts, the learner gained the confidence to traverse the stairs without assistance. When descending the stairs, the learner gripped the banister or held the instructor’s hand and led with the right foot for each step. When the learner was asked to try leading with the left foot, the learner shied away from doing so. When walking on a flat surface, the learner struggled to plant tiptoes on the surface first or balance on one leg. The learner’s walking motion was awkward. |
mentally challenged, autism |
physical education | movie: 1 | - |
Color-coded court for net sports | ネット型球技用 格子状コート |
Color-coded court for net sports Senior and High School students Students with impaired visuospatial ability (difficulty gauging distance visually) |
visual impairment, deaf and hard of hearing, mentally challenged, physically challenged, speech and language disorder, health impairment, autism, emotional disturbance, multiple disabilities, developmental disabilities, other |
physical education | - | - |
Wonder pad | まほうのしたじき |
Students with limb deficiencies Students who struggle to use a ruler to draw straight lines or plot graphs Instruction for students with limb deficiencies |
physically challenged |
arithmetic, mathematics, teaching and learning tools, auxiliary aids |
- | - |
Kurun-pass | くるんパス |
Students who struggle to rotate their wrists, students who struggle to pinch and twist things, students with severe disabilities |
mentally challenged, physically challenged, multiple disabilities |
arithmetic, mathematics, life studies |
- | - |
Cushion for assisted recorder playing | リコーダー補助用クッション |
For students who struggle to cover the recorder holes For students who struggle to move their fingers Instruction for students with limb deficiencies |
physically challenged |
music, teaching and learning tools, auxiliary aids |
- | - |
Enhancement to Koe-no-Shiori’s set (sound pen) | 声のしおり(音声ペン教材) |
The product is intended for secondary students who have difficulty initiating conversation. The students often worry whether they will cope with certain social scenarios. The students can ease his/her anxieties by repeatedly checking an image (a photo or illustration) or listening to an audio recording that describes the nature of the activity or social encounter. | mentally challenged |
life studies, special activities, teaching and learning tools, auxiliary aids |
movie: 1 | - |
Panda no Takaramono (“panda’s treasure”), a “pa-ta-ka-ra” song for improving the oral cavity functions | 口腔機能を高めるパタカラの歌「♫パンダのたからもの」 |
Preschool, primary, secondary and high school students with intellectual disability Preschool, nursery, primary, or junior high school students Children who want to smile and chat more confidently by improving their oral cavity functions |
mentally challenged, physically challenged, speech and language disorder, health impairment, autism, emotional disturbance, other |
music, physical education, life studies, activities for independent living, instruction of play, life unit learning, other |
movie: 1 | - |