294 results found. Showing page 2 of 30.
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Disability category
Teaching units / Applicable scenes
Name of teaching material: Set for Practicing Eyesight Test | 視力検査練習キット |
Infants, children and students having difficulty receiving visual acuity test with a pediatric eye chart with illustrations of objects especially because they cannot answer the name of the object and/or do not understand the intention of the test, which is to choose the same shape as the one shown |
mentally challenged, physically challenged, autism, multiple disabilities, developmental disabilities, other |
Japanese, arithmetic, mathematics, special activities, activities for independent living, pre-school education, other |
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Put in task box | 「ぽんぽん」入れよう!! (プットイン課題) |
・Young children who can voluntarily pick up a wooden or plastic toy (with smooth surface) to enjoy the feeling (by mouthing or rubbing on face) ・Young children who touch and/or tap objects of diverse textures to find and/or confirm the differences ・Young children who cannot concentrate long but can continue a task when positive encouragement is given by a teacher ・Kindergarten children ・Elementary school students |
mentally challenged, autism |
activities for independent living, pre-school education |
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Let’s open the curtain! What is it doing? | カーテンを開けよう!~何をしているかな?~ |
・Children who can express their request using two or three words, such as “Ms. X, play outside.” ・Children having difficulty participating in group activities by responding to others’ words and movements ・Children who have correct understanding of only few words |
mentally challenged, autism |
Japanese, instruction for living skills |
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Wind and wind the string around the core | ぐるぐる まきとり君 |
・ Children and students in kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school and high school ・ Children and students having difficulty in eye hand coordination |
visual impairment, deaf and hard of hearing, mentally challenged, physically challenged, speech and language disorder, health impairment, autism, emotional disturbance, developmental disabilities, deaf-blind |
activities for independent living, instruction for living skills, learning for unit of work, other |
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Let’s compare | 「くらべてみよう」 |
・Students in elementary, junior high and high schools ・Children and students capable of classifying objects by shape and color ・Children and students capable of counting numbers up to about 10 ・Children and students capable of reading hiragana (phonetic letters) |
deaf and hard of hearing, mentally challenged, physically challenged, speech and language disorder, health impairment, autism, emotional disturbance, multiple disabilities, developmental disabilities, other |
Japanese, arithmetic, mathematics, science, life studies, activities for independent living, pre-school education, teaching and learning tools, auxiliary aids, other |
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Let’s classify | 仲間にわけよう |
Children having difficulty understanding the superordinate and subordinate concepts of words |
mentally challenged, autism |
Japanese | - | - |
Communication board | コミュニケーションボード |
Children having communication difficulties |
mentally challenged, autism |
activities for independent living, instruction for living skills |
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Practice of using clothespins | せんたくばさみではさもう |
・ Children and students in elementary, junior high and high schools ・ Children and students having difficulty in eye-hand coordination ・ Children and students having difficulty in finger motions, such as grasping, and adjusting hand power |
mentally challenged, autism, developmental disabilities |
life studies, instruction for living skills |
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Let’s practice throwing | 投げてみよう!びゅーん! |
・ Kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school and high school students and children ・ Children and students having difficulties in motor imitation, motor coordination and/or body image ・ Children and students who want to learn throwing motion and angle ・ Children and students lacking throwing experiences |
visual impairment, deaf and hard of hearing, mentally challenged, physically challenged, speech and language disorder, health impairment, autism, emotional disturbance, multiple disabilities, developmental disabilities, deaf-blind, other |
arithmetic, mathematics, physical education, life studies, special activities, activities for independent living, instruction for living skills, instruction of play, life unit learning, teaching and learning tools, auxiliary aids |
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Today’s Schedule and Tomorrow’s Schedule | 予定ボード |
Autistic children and students with mental retardation |
mentally challenged, physically challenged, speech and language disorder, health impairment, autism, emotional disturbance, multiple disabilities, developmental disabilities, other |
instruction for living skills | - | - |